
Neologisms - concepts I've developed in my research

transcorporeal identification - "the sharing of symbolic and material substance between human and nonhuman life" p. 340

womanature - "a strategic conflation that attends to the gendered nature of environmental care embedded in the trope of Mother Nature" p. 340

Bloomfield, E. F. (2021): Transcorporeal Identification and Strategic Essentialism in Eco-Horror: mother!’s Ecofeminist Rhetorical Strategies. Environmental Communication, 15(3), 339-352. DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2020.1833059

separators - "Those who primarily use strategies of rejection are called separators because their motivation behind rejection is rooted in a perceived conflict between environmentalism and Christian values that separates them into opposing forces" p. 4

bargainers - "Those who primarily use strategies of modifcation are called bargainers because their motivation behind modification is to borow aspects and features of environmental arguments and environmental science to blend with their religious values" p. 4

harmonizers - "The harmonizers represent an interpretaion and performance of the Christian identity that is not deterministic of negative attitudes toward climate change" p. 4

Bloomfield, E. F. (2019). Communication Strategies for Engaging Climate Skeptics: Religion and the Environment. Routledge.

neoliberal piety -  "an organizing framework that enacts economic rituals and protects neoliberal values and market autonomy by framing them as natural and moral" p. 321

Bloomfield, E. F. (2019). The rhetoric of Energy Darwinism: Neoliberal piety and market autonomy in economic discourse. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 49(4), 320-341. DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2019.1634831

*Since publishing my article, I have discovered the use of a similar term by Sarah A. Tobin and Mona Atia called "pious neoliberalism." Their use of the term is linked explicitly to Islam and the integration of formal religion and the economy. My usage, alternatively, is more about the sacred practices we ascribe to preserving market autonomy and thus is linked to a general  notion of piety instead of a formal religion. 

rhetorical constellations - consider "the scene and all the agents in the scene as being in mutually constitutive relationships, requiring modification of both systems and the people that create and support them to change the overall shape" p. 409

Bloomfield, E. F. (2019). Rhetorical constellations and the inventional/intersectional possibilities of #MeToo. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 43(4). 394-414. DOI: 10.1177/0196859919866444

Descriptions of my current research initiatives

Collaborative research

-the role of intersectional changemakers in environmental activism

-how climate change and science denial circulates online with Sabrina O'Gwynn and Drs. Denise Tillery and Doug Cloud

-the importance of metaphors and language in public perceptions of machine-learning with Dr. Paul La Plante

Personal research

-ecological feelings and eco-fear/horror

-environmental justice and popular culture

-the role of "bros" in digital discourse around science

"An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all." - Oscar Wilde